Why Carstore?
Reasons to buy from Kearys Carstore
- Ireland's best priced used cars
- Over 1000 cars to choose from
- 1 Year warranty with all cars giving you complete peace of mind
- No haggle, No Hassle and No Pressure is our motto giving you the best buying experience
- We can organise finance within two hours with Low APR% that beat your local bank and credit union
- Nice people to do business with, if you have any problems with your car we are always here to help
- Open 6 days a week, but we are online 24/7
Kearys Carstore - Used Car Dealership in Cork, Dublin and Limerick
Part of the Kearys Motor group, the Carstore is based in Dublin, Cork and Limerick. We are Ireland's only used car supermarket selling all brands of used cars based around an amazing customer experience like no other. Over 1,000 of Used Cars on display and a team of people dedicated to delivering an outstanding customer experience.
We have a number of truly unique features such as our unique zoom zoom cafes, serving hot drinks as well as pop corn all day long. We have a bespoke kids play area, Keary Garden, kitted out with fusball table, ride on cars and Carstore one of a kind dinky park for your children to play with they’ll enjoy the trip as much as you!
When you do find the right car, your perfect match so to speak, we accept all trade ins and can organise your finance in less than two hours. You can contact us by almost any means possible: online, email, phone, live chat, carrier pigeon (ok so maybe not that one) or best of all pop in and see the full experience for yourself first hand.